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Today we will introduce you to interesting and curious facts about the kidneys and their activity. Without a doubt, you will be convinced that they are a unique and vital part of the functioning of the entire human organism.

The amount of blood filtered by both kidneys is between 120 and 150 liters per day.

The actual filtering structures are called nephrons, and each kidney consists of at least one million of these. Therefore, with two kidneys, the body has two million working little filtering machines.

Stretched end to end, the nephrons that make up the kidneys are about 5 miles (8 kilometers) long.

An important part of the kidneys and their activity performing and regulating the content of salt and potassium in the body.

The kidneys produce hormones that indicate the creation of red blood cells.

Some children are born with only one kidney. Subsequently, it grows to the point where its weight is equal to the total weight of two kidneys combined.

The kidneys also convert vitamin D into a form that can be used by the body.

As we age, the number of functioning nephrons in each kidney begins to decline by 1% per year.

An adult’s kidney weighs about 142 grams and is about the size of a fist.

The largest kidney stone ever recorded was the size of a coconut weighing about 1.1 kilograms.

When dehydration occurs, the kidneys stop producing urine until hydration is restored and blood volume increases.

Improper functioning of the kidneys can lead to the development of anemia. Studies show that most patients suffering from it have developed some type of kidney disease.

Nearly 500 million people worldwide (which equates to almost 10% of the world’s adult population) suffer from some type of kidney problem or damage.

The first successful kidney transplant was done by Joseph E. Smith and his team in Boston in 1954.

Most people are born with two kidneys, but in reality, to live a full and healthy life, you only need one properly functioning kidney.




For most patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), the ability to travel is an important part of maintaining independence and a normal rhythm of life. Vacation and the energy it brings to your daily life are enough incentive to plan and coordinate your trip to the nearest dialysis center to the place you are going to stay. As long as your health allows it, you have the freedom to choose from hundreds of destinations that will meet your criteria.

Dialysis Center NephroLife offers reliable and high-quality dialysis treatment focused on care and improving the quality of life of patients in the Burgas region. Apart of all that, the center offers holiday dialysis to all patients from the interior of the country and abroad who have decided to visit our Black Sea coast.

The financing in the clinic is done through the National Health Insurance Fund, with which we have a contract. For this reason, no additional payment is required from patients for their treatment or for any of the accompanying comfort or medical services.

Our specialised team of doctors and nurses with more than 30 years of experience in dialysis treatment are working together to deliver the best patient care according to all international standards of medical practice.
For each and every one of our patients we use brand new and high quality medical equipment and consumables for dialysis treatment from FRESENIUS Germany 4008 S and 5008 S. Only that way we can establish the best quality HD treatment with proven reliability and operational efficiency.

In addition to the pleasant and cozy environment, here you can enjoy a snack and refreshing drinks, professional and competent medical care, a cup of hot coffee or tea, and in the meantime enjoy your favorite shows on personal TV. To make it even more convenient, the center offers headphones that you can use during your stay, aiming your best comfort and those of other patients.

You can consult a doctor or nurse on duty at any time about anything that censers you.

Whan coordinating your vacation do not hesitate to contact us.



In his daily life, the average person is exposed to more than 700,000 toxic chemicals a day. From perfumes to cleaning products, from cosmetics to plastic water bottles. Much of our daily lifestyle involves exposure to chemicals that are not good for our health.

Although we could limit our reach to toxins, it is impossible to eliminate our exposure completely. That is why it is important to periodically undergo detoxification programs to ensure the balanced functioning of our body.

First, let’s note that toxins are all around us – even in the food we eat. With each bite we take harmful toxins from preservatives, artificial colors and additives. Although in small quantities they go unnoticed, when the body reaches a turning point, we face unpleasant side effects.

Some signs that your body is accumulating toxins include:

  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Brittle nails
  • Bad breath
  • Nausea
  • Weight gain

While these are usually short-term effects of toxin accumulation, long-term effects can lead to harmful, even life-threatening, consequences.

Detoxification is the physiological or medical removal of toxic substances from the human body, which is performed mainly by the liver.

What is the fastest way to cleanse the body of toxins?

Drinking water is one of the best and fastest ways to get rid of toxins from your system. Water transports toxins through our system through the bloodstream. The best option for cleansing the body is by drinking water or herbal tea.

Can patients with kidney disease go for a detox program?

People should consult a doctor before starting a cleansing or detoxification regimen, especially if there are kidney stones or kidney disease.

In general, a detox diet is not recommended for dialysis patients due to their specific nutritional needs. To enter such a regime, you need to consult a nutritionist to discuss the current diet, calorie needs and ideal weight.



Vitamins and minerals are substances that the body needs to help perform important vital functions. Through them the body receives energy and regulates and balances all the processes taking place in it. Therefore, they are essential for your body.

Almost all vitamins and minerals are obtained from the food we eat. People with normal kidney function, who eat a variety of foods from all food groups (meat, cereals, fruits, vegetables and dairy products), manage to get the necessary number of vitamins and minerals in this way.

What vitamins can a dialysis patient take?

The vitamins that are usually prescribed to patients with kidney disease are water-soluble and are: B1, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid and biotin, as well as a certain amount of vitamin C.

B complex:

B-complex vitamins are grouped together, but each has a different function.

One of the important functions of vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid is to prevent anemia, which is characterized by a reduced amount of red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. In cases of such deficiency, additional B supplements called thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and niacin are recommended. These vitamins help convert the foods you eat into energy that your body can use.

Why do dialysis patients need vitamin B?

Dialysis patients usually have poor nutrition, which predisposes them to B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B12

  • supports the formation of new cells;
  • supports nerve cells;
  • binds to folic acid to form red blood cells;
  • its deficiency can cause permanent nerve damage.

Vitamin B6 is another important cofactor for the trans sulfurization of homocysteine ​​to cystathionine.

Studies are being conducted on therapies with increased vitamin B intake and its effects on the kidneys. It has been observed that the combination of folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 may lower the level of homocysteine, the high values ​​of which are associated with the risk of nephropathy.




The development of kidney disease can negatively affect many aspects of your life, including mental and general health.

Many people on dialysis feel that they cannot do sports or, more generally, exercise. The truth is that most dialysis patients CAN exercise. In fact, regular exercise and sport are a major factor in helping many people return to a “normal” lifestyle during dialysis. Increased activity and sports can help you feel better and even return to the activities you loved to do before starting life on dialysis.

Can I exercise if I’m on dialysis?

Yes, almost everyone who does dialysis can train. The type of exercise you choose depends on what type of dialysis you are doing, your medical condition, how active you are at the moment and what your preferences are.

Can I be active during dialysis treatment?

Yes, you can perform certain exercises during hemodialysis treatment (while connected to the dialysis machine). Some dialysis wards abroad even have exercise programs that patients can participate in. It is important to discuss the possibilities with your doctor before you start training while you are on dialysis. For a suitable program you can contact a physiotherapist or kinesitherapies to prepare a suitable individual plan.

What is the best exercise for dialysis patients?

Choose continuous activities such as walking, swimming, cycling, aerobic dancing or any other activity in which you need to constantly move large muscle groups. Low-level strengthening exercises can also be useful as part of your program.

Regular exercise is important for everyone – and this includes people with kidney disease.

The benefits of doing sports can refer to:

Increased sense of energy

Improved mood

Reduced stress

Better removal of urea from the blood during dialysis

Reduced feelings of discomfort and cramps



Cardiovascular disease is much more common in people with kidney disease or kidney failure.

Like all organs, the heart is made of tissue, which requires a supply of oxygen and nutrients. Although his chamber is full of blood, his own supply comes from a network of arteries called coronary arteries.

The name „heart disease “includes a number of health problems that can affect the heart or blood vessels. Doctors call these disorders cardiovascular disease. The heart and blood vessels work together to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body, including the brain, heart, legs and lungs. Damage to the heart or blood vessels can be very serious and can lead to chest pain, heart attack or stroke.

In addition to kidney failure, most people on dialysis have one or more of the following conditions:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Anemia
  • High levels of fats such as cholesterol in the blood
  • Poor balance of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, leading to disease and heart problems

Each of these conditions forces the heart to work harder, and it eventually loses its ability to pump blood well enough.

Can dialysis patients do anything to keep their heart healthy?

Dialysis people have specific health needs.

You can also follow these easy ten steps for a healthier heart.

  • Follow an optimal and healthy diet
  • Be physically active
  • Keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels under control
  • Maintain a balance of calcium and phosphorus
  • If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugar under control
  • Do not smoke
  • Reduce stress
  • Maintain a healthy weight


Nutrition in hemodialysis patients is very important to minimize health complications and ensure quality of life in general.

Diets in patients with chronic disease play an important role in planning the treatment process.

The purpose of the diet plan is to examine patients’ appetites to adjust the systemic norm to alleviate or prevent cardiovascular and peripheral diseases. Also, to neutralize electrolyte disorders and uremic diseases such as itching, nausea, recovery, loss of appetite. In addition, adherence to a balanced diet helps reduce high potassium and sodium levels in the diet, prevent pulmonary edema, hypertension and heart failure. Negatives (hyperkalaemia, hyperphosphatemia, peripheral and pulmonary outflow) in fluid and electrolyte balance are monitored in patients who do not observe these changes.

The result of studies that hemodialysis patients are at risk of malnutrition.

Malnutrition depends on several factors in hemodialysis patients. Two types of malnutrition could be differentiated in this particular group of patients. The first type is determined by the uremic syndrome and the decrease in serum albumin levels due to reduced energy and protein intake. The second type results from the use and atherosclerosis, high risk heart disease. The manifested features here are increased oxidative stress, protein catabolism, increased energy expenditure in energy, hypoalbuminemia. In addition, malnutrition due to unbalanced diet of water to chronic volume overload, congestive heart failure and systemic hypertension, uremic bone examination and extraskeletal metastatic calcification due to the development of hyperphosphatemia and other adverse conditions.

There are different ways to find out if a hemodialysis diet works. A factor in this is how you feel before and after dialysis sessions. Following the rules of your diet, the accumulation of waste products and fluids will be minimal and you will not feel bad. During the procedure itself, the amount of fluid you will lose from your body will not be too large, which will prevent the feeling of weakness or dizziness. Also, you may have fewer health causes caused by taking too much phosphorus, sodium and potassium.



Diabetic nephropathy is a progressive kidney disease that can affect people with diabetes. It is a serious complication of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, also known as diabetic kidney disease.

It is observed in high blood sugar levels, which subsequently impair the proper function of the kidneys. Diabetic nephropathy is a type of chronic kidney disease that is characterized by the maintenance of high glucose levels for many years, leading to changes in the nephrons. Therefore, people with diabetes often release protein in their urine. The most common protein released is albumin.

One of the first signs of diabetic kidney disease is increased urinary albumin. When only small amounts of it are found in the urine, this is called microalbuminuria. Characteristic of this health problem is weight gain and swelling of the ankles.

The natural course of diabetic kidney disease includes glomerular hyperfiltration, progressive albuminuria, decreased GFR, and ultimately end-stage renal disease. Diabetic nephropathy begins as glomerular hyperfiltration. Microalbuminuria then occurs, urinary albumin excretion in the range of 30 to 300 mg albumin / day. Microalbuminuria progresses to macroalbuminuria usually over years. The nephrotic syndrome (proteinuria ≥ 3 g / day) preceding the end stage of kidney disease takes an average of about 5 years, but this time is also highly variable.

Once this damage is present, the remaining kidney filters must work extra to compensate for deficiencies in the proper functioning of the system. Once the kidneys start working at less than 15% of their capacity, kidney failure is diagnosed and the patient usually goes on dialysis.

There is no specific treatment for diabetic nephropathy, but the progression of the disease can be slowed by controlling blood pressure, optimizing blood sugar levels and changing the diet. Once kidney disease is present, the most important thing to pay attention to is controlling blood pressure.



The diet is extremely important for the proper and balanced functioning of the body. Proper selection of the food we consume can help control the accumulation of waste products and fluids in the blood and reduce the burden on the kidneys. Undoubtedly the most important factor for the health and proper function of the kidneys is the intake of sufficient water which ensures that the level of minerals in the urine is not excessively concentrated and helps prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Here are some of the foods that are recommended for the prevention of kidney disease.


Apples are a rich source of pectin and soluble fiber, which maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. According to research, pectin also increases the content of important antioxidants in the kidneys and are extremely suitable for their detoxification. Daily consumption of apples reduces the risk of developing urinary tract infections and prevents the formation of kidney stones.


They have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit kidney health. Increase renal blood flow and improve the ability of the kidneys to filter waste.

Red cranberries

Extremely suitable for urinary tract infections. Prevent bacteria from sticking to the lining of the bladder and kidneys.


A source of vitamin C and vitamin K, as well as many B vitamins. Sauerkraut or cabbage soup enhances the activity of key enzymes involved in the prevention of kidney cancer.


Eggs are a great source of protein, leucine, lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin D. In people with chronic kidney failure (CKD), it is advisable to consume only protein, as the yolk is rich in phosphorus, a mineral that interferes with kidney function.

Oily fish

Oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, tuna, sardines or anchovies are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and support kidney function. Omega-3s can also help lower blood pressure, which is a risk factor for kidney disease.

Olive oil

In addition to being extremely beneficial, olive oil helps reduce inflammation throughout the body, including the kidneys.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes contain vitamins and minerals that balance sodium levels. However, because sweet potatoes are high in potassium, they should be consumed moderately by people with CKD.


With its detoxifying and diuretic properties, beets are recommended for strengthening and cleansing the kidneys, liver and gallbladder.






Poly-cystic kidney disease (PCKD) is a genetically heterogeneous disease that affects the kidneys and other organs. It can exist in both autosomal dominant and recessive forms. Accumulations of fluid-filled sacs called cysts develop in the kidneys, which interfere their ability to filter waste products from the blood. The growth of these cysts leads to enlargement of the kidneys and can also lead to kidney failure.

Autosomal dominant poly-cystic kidney disease is a genetic disease that affects 1 in 1,000 people worldwide and is associated with an increased risk of intracranial aneurysms.

How serious is poly-cystic kidney disease?

The disease can cause serious complications, including high blood pressure and kidney failure. It varies considerably in severity, with some complications preventable. Lifestyle and treatment changes can help reduce the degree of disability.

What causes poly-cystic kidney disease?

The cause of poly-cystic kidney disease is a gene mutation or defect. In most cases, if a child carries such a mutation, it is inherited from a parent. In very rare cases, it develops primarily without either parent carrying the mutated gene. Symptoms include acute low back pain or hematuria due to hemorrhage in the cyst, abdominal discomfort due to increased kidney size or symptoms of uremia.

  • High blood pressure
  • Back or side pain
  • Blood in your urine
  • Feeling of fullness in the abdomen
  • Increased belly size due to enlarged kidneys
  • Headache
  • Kidney stones
  • Kidney failure
  • Urinary tract or kidney infections

In laboratory tests, urine is low in relative weight, proteinuria and hematuria are observed. Peripheral blood count is normal.

Inheritance of a gene mutation can be determined by DNA analysis.