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The diagnosis of CKD is associated with the need for dialysis, for which, accordingly, there must be vascular access. An option for such access is the AV fistula, which is considered as the best choice, as it usually lasts longer and creates fewer problems.

AV fistula is a surgical connection made between an artery and a vein created by a vascular specialist. It is usually located in the arm, but if this is not possible, it can be placed in the groin or in the legs. With an AV fistula, blood circulates from the artery directly into the vein, delivering the right amount of blood flow needed to provide adequate hemodialysis treatment. AV fistulas are the preferred vascular access for long-term dialysis because they have fewer complications than other access methods and are less prone to infections and thrombosis. The fistula will take several weeks to mature, with an average period of 4-6 weeks.

Some of the benefits of AV fistula is that it provides the necessary blood flow needed for effective dialysis, which can help reduce treatment time, lower the risk of infection, and reduce the likelihood of clotting.

How is an AV fistula created?

The first step in creating an AV fistula is to assess the condition of the blood vessels (veins and arteries). These manipulations and examinations are performed by a vascular specialist. If necessary, minimally invasive tests such as ultrasound and possibly an angiogram can be used to determine the size and depth of the arteries and veins. These tests will determine if the blood vessels are able to support the AV fistula. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. Once the AV fistula is established, it will take several weeks, in some cases a month or more, for the fistula to mature to the point where it can be used for hemodialysis treatment.



Acute renal failure develops rapidly, usually in less than a few days. It is most common in people who are already hospitalized, especially in critically ill condition, who need intensive treatment. Acute renal failure can be fatal and requires prompt and timely action. Often this process is reversible. Good physical health is essential to restore normal or near-normal kidney function.

Acute renal failure is very severe and is a dramatic condition in which the kidneys suddenly stop producing urine and the patient stops urinating. This can be a consequence of various diseases and injuries – severe acute kidney disease, major blood loss, severe shock injuries, dehydration (incessant vomiting and diarrhea), severe infections and more. An acute renal failure that lasts more than three months turns into a chronic one.

With the chronic real failure there is a gradual and irreversible failure of the kidney function. Many are the diseases that may cause herein including: a hypertension disease, a diabetes, chronic diseases of glmerulus and kidney infections, gout, renal-stone disease, tissue and congenital malformatis in the kidney  structure. There are medicines that may also cause irreversible kidney damage.

Unlike acute renal failure, chronic renal failure sometimes occurs covertly and unnoticed. To control these processes, a urine test should be performed 1-2 times a year, even if there are no complaints. A signal to suspect kidney disease is the presence of albumin in the urine and possible blood cells (leukocytes). In these situations, timely consultation with a specialist is mandatory.



Most dialysis patients are able to maintain a normal rhythm of life associated with work, travel and social commitments. Especially now, during the summer season, a lot of people take vacations to desired destinations and organize their stay according to the possibility of dialysis treatment in the region.

We at Dialysis Center NephroLife guarantee to all visiting patients in our city and the region the opportunity for quality and reliable dialysis treatment during the coming summer months.

The Bulgarian Black Sea coast is a wonderful place for a summer vacation and offers various opportunities for entertainment and accommodation, from luxury 4- or 5-star hotels to small romantic family hotels, all of which meet world standards.

The financing in Nephrolife Dialysis Center is covered by National Health Insurance Fund. No additional payment is required from patients for their treatment, nor for any of the accompanying services related to comfort or medication.

For your safety and convenience, we offer free transport services in brand new and comfortable cars. Our drivers will pick you up from the place where you are staying and will drive you to the center according to the schedule that you have specified in advance.

During your dialysis treatment session a doctor is always available in the treatment room. Our doctors and nurses will assist you at any time you may need help. You can ask the team any questions about your medical condition and convenience.

We will do our best to make you feel as comfortable as at home.



Hemodialysis, or dialysis, is a process of purifying the blood of a patient whose kidneys are not working properly. This is a process in which a patient’s blood is filtered and “purified” of waste nitrogen-containing substances, unnecessary water and salts.

Basic functions of hemodialysis are performed by hemodialysis machine. The dialyzer consists of a special semi-permeable membrane and a dialysis solution with a certain composition of water, amino acids and salts. The membrane, which is the actual filter, is semi-permeable, which means that it does not automatically allow any substance to pass through it. During dialysis, a membrane is used that filter only the urinary substances so that the patient can get the rest of the blood components back.

Passing through the dialyzer, the blood is purified and then returned to the circulatory system. In order for the dialysis process to take place, the patient must have vascular access. Permanent vascular access for hemodialysis is performed by building an arteriovenous fistula or vascular prosthesis. It is recommended, they to be constructed at an early stage of renal failure. Arterio-venous fistula is created surgically and is located under the skin, most often on the arm. Its function is to allow the dialysis machine to access the patient’s blood circulation.

For most patients undergoing dialysis treatment, it is extremely important to be able to maintain their usual way of living, having satisfying and active life. If necessary, you can always turn to the medical staff for specific medical institution including advices, guidance and recommendations for upcoming treatment.



Calcium is one of the most important minerals in the body. It is essential for the proper functioning of muscles, nerves and the heart and is necessary for blood clotting and bone formation. About 99% of calcium is found in the bones, while the remaining 1% circulates in the blood. Approximately half of the calcium in the blood is “free” and is metabolically active. The other half is “bound” to albumin and other compounds and is metabolically inactive.

Calcium is supplied by the food we consume or by taking calcium supplements. Vitamin D and parathyroid hormone help regulate the level of calcium that is absorbed and how much it is eliminated by the kidneys. Healthy kidneys convert vitamin D into an active hormone (calcitriol), which helps increase the absorption of calcium from the gut into the blood. A balanced, healthy diet provides 1000 milligrams of calcium per day.

Hypercalcemia is a condition in which the level of calcium in the blood is way above normal. Too much calcium in the blood can weaken the bone system, form kidney stones and interfere the normal function of the heart and brain. Hypercalcaemia is usually the result of overactivity of the parathyroid glands (located in the neck, close to the thyroid gland). Other causes of hypercalcemia include certain cancer types, health problems, certain medications, and taking too many calcium and vitamin D supplements.

According to the guidelines for clinical practice of the National Kidney Foundation, the total calcium intake for people with kidney disease should not exceed 2000 mg per day. This includes the intake of total calcium from the diet plan, calcium supplements and phosphorus binders based on calcium.



Selenium (Se) is a trace element that is involved in the regulation of thyroid hormone metabolism, enzymatic antioxidant protection and the immune system. It was discovered in 1817 by the Swedish chemist Jons Berzelius. Over time and a number of studies have been proven that this micromineral has strong antioxidant properties, helps the right and proper functioning of the thyroid gland, controls hormones and plays an important role in maintaining the immune system.

Se deficiency is sometimes associated with cardiovascular disease, connected with atherosclerosis and increased risk of viral infections. Low serum Se levels are common in patients with acute renal failure or chronic kidney disease.

The relationship between hyposelemia and associated health problems, such as renal failure has not been thoroughly studied worldwide. It has been reported that both low serum Se levels and renal failure may be associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease, immune dysfunction, increasing the risk of death from infectious diseases in hemodialysis patients.

Factors such as age, inflammation, fluid retention and dialysis treatment may increase oxidative stress levels in people with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Some studies have reported that Se status and immune function improve after oral and intravenous addition of Se in renal patients, reducing oxidative stress products. The available data encourage and motivate more in-depth studies to elucidate the true extent of Se deficiency and the need for Se supplements in patients with kidney disease.

Selenium is a mineral found in soil. You can naturally get it by eating more cereals, such as wheat, corn or rice. Selenium is also found in seafood, eggs, sunflower seeds and meat.




The amount of food and drink that we consume has leading role to the proper functioning of the body. Even if it is a healthy food, such as fruits and vegetables, again, the dose is the biggest factor.

Today we will pay attention to coffee intake and in particular the effect of caffeine on the kidneys in the human body.

Due to the connection between coffee intake and high blood pressure, there is a concern about the ability of coffee to cause kidney damages. When the kidneys are stimulated by caffeine, there is an increased excretion of urine along with electrolytes, which causes negative changes in the functioning of the endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

According to statistics from recent years, urolithiasis is one of the most common kidney diseases among people of all ages and genders around the world. This disease is characterized by the gradual formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder.

Urolithiasis may be a consequence of dependence on caffeinated beverages, in particular coffee (including coffee with milk) and strong tea. Evidence of this are studies performed by Canadian urologists. As a result of a series of experiments, they found that in healthy people who consumed more than three cups of coffee a day, the concentration of calcium compounds in the excreted urine increased sharply within a few days. In addition to calcium, elevated titters of magnesium, citrate, and other substances, directly involved in the formation of kidney stones, were observed in the urine of the patients who took part in the study.

The effect of caffeinated beverages on a person’s urinary system is due to the expressed diuretic effects of coffee, as a result of which is observed a relative dehydration of the body, thickening of the urine tract and the formation of solid elements in it, which eventually turn into stones. Therefore, doctors do not recommend patients with CKD to take caffeinated beverages or at least the amount of them should not exceed the daily recommended dose.

For coffee lovers, the consumption of this drink should be strictly limited and not more than a cup or two per day.



Zinc is one of the main elements important for the immune system. Small amounts of zinc are needed to maintain human health and the proper functioning of the body. It occurs in several systems and biological reactions, which plays a vital role in protein synthesis and helps regulate cell generation in the human body’s immune system. Zinc stimulates the immune system, helps against colds, ear and respiratory infections.

Compared to several other metal ions with common chemical properties, zinc is relatively harmless. Only exposure to high doses has toxic effects, which makes acute zinc intoxication rare. In addition to acute intoxication, long-term high-dose zinc supplements are imprinted on the absorption of copper. Its toxic effects actually extend into copper deficiency.

 When there are low levels of zinc, we often get sick. Supplements with zinc are especially useful in various eye diseases such as macular degeneration, chicken blindness, cataracts.

 It appears that zinc in large amounts adversely affects the human body. A US study at the University of California reveals that there is a link between the cycle in the body and the formation of kidney stones. Plasma zinc is lower in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF), but after kidney transplantation, during the postoperative period, the level of the cycle normalizes. Plasma zinc concentrations may be reduced in people of conservative renal therapy and those on hemodialysis.

The daily intake of zinc should not be taken above 40 mg.

Here are some natural sources of zinc:


Beef and lamb


Crabs, lobsters, shrimp


Black chocolate





Vitamins and minerals are substances contained in our food that help our body function properly. Кidneys play an important role in maintaining bone strength by balancing the levels of phosphorus and calcium in the blood. Phosphorus is the second most common mineral in the human body, with approximately 85 percent of it found in bones. It is key to the water-electrolyte balance in the body and has extremely important functions for the formation of healthy bones and teeth. It is an integral part of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the main structure that stores energy in the body, in the structure of DNA and RNA molecules, as well as in the formation of cell membranes.

Phosphorus is absorbed in the small intestine and stored in the bones. It is absorbed by the intestinal epithelium and its homeostasis depends on the kidneys. Therefore, disturbances in phosphate levels are most often due to disturbances in renal function. It is recommended that healthy adults receive between 800 mg and 1200 mg of phosphorus each day. Damaged kidneys do not eliminate enough phosphorus in the urine, which increases the levels of phosphorus in the blood – called hyperphosphatemia.

Because phosphorus is abundant in most foods, its deficiency is rare. Its high content in the blood is more common. Due to the delicate balance between phosphorus and calcium that needs to be maintained, consuming too much phosphorus without adequate dietary calcium intake can have negative consequences.

Phosphorus, calcium, vitamin D and parathyroid hormone (PTH) and their interaction with the kidneys play a role in controlling the level of phosphorus in the blood.

When the kidneys are functioning properly, they maintain phosphorus and calcium in balance in the blood. The kidneys also convert vitamin D into an active hormone (calcitriol), which helps increase the absorption of calcium from the gut into the bloodstream. When the level of calcium in the blood is low, the parathyroid glands (four small glands in the neck) produce more PTH. This causes calcium to be drawn from the bones into the bloodstream. Elevated levels of parathyroid hormone can cause bone problems called renal osteodystrophy.

When there is a kidney problem, high levels of phosphorus in the blood (hyperphosphatemia) are a problem for people with stage 4 and 5 kidney disease, especially stage 5 (also known as end-stage kidney disease or ESRD).



Human body is composed mainly of water, with the help of which oxygen, nutrients and biochemicals are transferred from one place to another. The environment in our body can be alkaline or acidic, which is measured through a decimal scale called pH. When the Ph ratio is from 1.0 to 6.9 is determined as acidic, when 7.0 is neutral and at values ​​from 7.1 to 14 it is alkaline.

As water occupies about 60% of the total weight of the human body, pH levels affect all functions of the body and is often a factor determining overall health condition. An unbalanced pH level is an indicator of too acidic or too alkaline environment for a long period of time. This is a factor in the development of certain degenerative diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and overweight.

Because of the fact that kidneys maintain the levels of electrolytes in our body – those of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, lowering or raising the pH can lead to crystallization of salts in the urine, which results in formation of stones or grit in the bladder and the kidneys.

The food we eat is also alkaline or acidic. According to health experts, acidic foods, those with a lower pH, can make us sick, while alkaline foods, with a higher pH, have a beneficial effect on the body.

For example, fresh fruits and vegetables are alkaline and their consumption prevents the formation of plaque on blood vessels, stops the accumulation of calcium in the urine and the formation of kidney stones.

In general, a diet high in vegetables and fruits, complete with calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and other alkalizing minerals, can help to achieve a balanced pH of the body.

Limiting the consumption of acidic foods can help maintain bone density, prevent the formation of kidney stones and even reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. Some acidic foods include refined sugar, hydrogenated fats, dairy products, animal fats, alcohol, coffee, meat, bread and antibiotics.

Through a pH scale it is easy to determine whether the food we consume is acidic or alkaline. By this way, low-pH foods could be easily eliminated from our menu instated of the consumption of healthier alkaline foods, in order to balance the pH levels and follow a healthy diet and habits.