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Keeping our kidneys healthy and functioning properly is essential for detoxification and the removal of waste products from our body. Unfortunately, there are some food products that can damage our kidneys and prevent them from functioning at optimal levels. We have already paid attention to the fruits, vegetables and food products appropriate for our kidney diet, so it is time to list some of those which are desirable to avoid.

We definitely give the first place to SALT.
Sodium overload leads to high blood pressure, which increases the pressure on your kidneys. The large amount of sodium chloride makes the kidneys to retain water in order to dilute the salt accumulated in the blood, which in turn impairs and burdens their function.


According to studies conducted at the Mayo Clinic, a high-protein diet can cause or exacerbate existing kidney problems, as protein metabolism puts a heavy strain on the kidneys, making it difficult to eliminate waste products.
Consumption of dairy products increases the excretion of calcium in the urine, which is associated with a higher risk of developing kidney stones. Studies show that reducing dairy products can have a beneficial effect on people with kidney failure and kidney disease, making it easier to filter their blood when going on dialysis.


Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause increased blood flow and high blood pressure. Excessive caffeine intake is also associated with kidney stones. It also has a diuretic effect that reduces the ability of the kidneys to absorb water. In addition to caffeine, energy and carbonated beverages have a negative effect on kidney function.

GMO products

A large percentage of the processed foods we consume contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Although there is no solid evidence for the effects of GMO foods on the human body, animal experiments have shown serious adverse health effects, which include changes in major organs such as the kidneys.



One of the important functions of our kidneys is the synthesis of hormones, some of which are: erythropoietin, calcitriol (the active form of vitamin D3) and renin.

They also synthesize prostaglandins, which affect a number of processes related to physiological functions in the human body.

In addition to synthesis, kidneys are also involved in the breakdown of certain hormones – such as insulin or parathyroid hormone.


Erythropoietin is a peptide hormone that regulates erythropoiesis, consist of 165 amino acids.
In adults, approximately 90% of erythropoietin is synthesized in the kidneys and the remaining 10% is synthesized by hepatocytes and interstitial Ito cells of the liver (important during fetal and perinatal periods).
Erythropoietin secretion is controlled by the level of oxygen saturation in the blood. Under conditions of hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply to cells and tissues), plasma erythropoietin increases. Hypoxia might be due to anemia, decreased oxygen capacity, decreased oxygen saturation of hemoglobin molecules, etc.


Vitamin D taken with food or formed in the skin is hydroxylated in the liver and then in the kidneys to 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, which is the biologically active form of vitamin D called calcitriol. Vit. D facilitates and maintains the intestinal absorption of calcium and those of phosphorus. It supports normal bone mineralization and its deficiency leads to osteoporosis in adults and rachitis in children.

Renin is a hormone produced by the kidneys which has leading role in controlling blood pressure and other important physiological functions.

It is an enzyme involved in the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), which regulates blood plasma, lymph and intestinal fluid through arterial vasoconstriction. Performing that function the blood pressure in the human body is regulated.


Prostaglandins are a group of lipids that have a great influence on the basic physiological processes in the body. Prostaglandins are hormones that are not synthesized by the glands, but are created during a chemical reaction at the site of injury or inflammation. Prostaglandins, which are produced by platelets, are actively involved in the blood clotting process and in the blood thinning process.



Definitely, for all patients on dialysis, life have changed completely. The whole process of understanding the disease and this particular way of living is stressful and requires strong-mindedness and toughness of spirit. However, dialysis should not prevent you from enjoying the life and keeping you isolated by the hospital bed. As difficult as it may sound from time to time – Be positive and look to the future!

Be positive and focus your energy on activities that are enjoyable for you.

Travel – Take time to plan things. Do not stop dreaming of visiting new places – there are doctors and clinics everywhere that can meet your needs.

Eat Healthy – The more toxins you put into your body, the more waste you will produce. Following a healthy diet will ensure that you improve your health and help you prevent some common side effects of dialysis.

Meet friends – They will support you as you go through these changes of life and you will feel a lot of positive feedback and energy around you.

Take an active part in your life – Do not look at your life as a bystander. Take an active part in your treatment plan. Inform yourself about everything that interests you.

Love yourself – Accept yourself as the person you are. Take small steps – one day, one moment, believing that everything will be fine regardless of the circumstances.

Look at life positively – Focus your positive energy on finding a suitable hobby for you, take a pet or just spend more time with your loved ones. Enjoy each and every new day and do not feel sorry for yourself.



Summer is the perfect time of the year when fresh fruits and vegetables are easily accessible. However, patients with chronic kidney disease and those on dialysis observe certain restrictions before eating their favorite fruits and vegetables. The reason for this is the high levels of potassium in various summer products. However, we will now present a list of suitable fruits and vegetables that meet the dialysis diet and are easily available in the summer.


Blackberries – Blackberries are very good antioxidant. According to long-term research by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), blackberries rank second on the scale – “Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity”

Blueberries – Blueberries reduce DNA damage which helps the protection against aging and cancer

Cherries – Cherries are rich in flavonoids – such as the important anthocyanins for immunity. They also contain quercetin – a strong anti-inflammatory substance that relieves joint pain and protects against eye diseases.

Grapes – Grapes are rich in vitamins – C, B and provitamin A, which strengthen the nervous system, blood vessels, bones, nails and have a beneficial effect on vision. Grapes are also rich in potassium which supports the heart muscle and exudes the excess fluid, so grapes and its juice are recommended for high blood pressure, heart attacks, atherosclerosis, arthritis, gout, kidney stones or gallstones.

Peaches – Helps to remove toxins from the body in patients with kidney disease, rheumatism, heart disease and improves the function of the bile, liver and intestines.

Plums – For the liver, kidneys and heart, plum juice is a great helper for discomfort. Prunes are also recommended when suffering from multiple sclerosis. Just a quarter cup of prunes is enough to provide approximately 16.9% of the required daily dose of beta-carotene.

Strawberries – Their healing properties successfully fight the symptoms of melancholy, against seizures, fever, inflammation, blood poisoning and kidney stones.


Carrots – The main merits of carrots are vitamins: carotene (provitamin A), vitamins B1, B2, PP, C. They also contain many enzymes, essential oils, minerals – potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, iron and trace elements manganese and copper.

Cauliflower – Cauliflower is rich in provitamin A, pantothenic and nicotinic acid, folic acid and vitamin K.

Cucumber – Regular consumption of cucumbers can prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Eggplant – a tasty and nutrient-rich vegetable

Lettuce – Lettuce is a green leafy vegetable that contains a lot of vitamin C, folic acid and is also rich in fiber and water.

Peppers – Peppers are an indispensable supplier of vitamin B and folic acid. They balance homocysteine, the high level of which can lead to heart attack and stroke.

Peas – Peas are low in fat and thus help maintain a healthy weight. In the amount of one cup can be found less than 100 calories, but at the same time a lot of protein, fiber and micronutrients.

Radishes – contain vitamin B, as well as certain amounts of vitamin C, which makes them a weapon against colds, viruses and flu.





Kidneys are pair of organs located on our back on either side of our spine, which are cleaning the blood and filter waste and extra water from our body. They balance certain elements in the blood such as sodium, potassium, calcium and also make the hormones that control blood pressure and red blood cells.

Chronic kidney disease, also called chronic kidney failure, describes the gradual loss of kidney function. The main factors associated with the development of kidney disease are diabetes and overweight. That is why a healthy diet plays a very important role in relieving this condition. The main treatment for renal dysfunction can be supported by natural remedies some of which are – Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Juniper berries, Dandelion root.

It is thought that CoQ10 supplementation may offer some therapeutic potential in the treatment of patients with CKD, since CoQ10 has a key role in normal mitochondrial function, as well as having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action.

Vitamin E – It has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and helps improve kidney function. Published studies have shown that taking 1,800 IU of vitamin E daily restores the kidneys’ ability to clear creatinine in diabetes.

Vitamin B6 – One of the important functions of vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid is to work together with iron to prevent anemia. Vitamin B6 is very important for the normal function of multiple organ systems and supports the kidneys by preventing the formation of dangerous glycation end products – AGEs. In the majority of patients with chronic renal failure and in patients during various forms of renal replacement therapy is observed vitamin B6 deficiency.

Juniper berries – Juniper is a powerful diuretic – a herb that increases the flow of urine, helping to cleanse the system of excess fluids and stimulating the kidneys. This causes the body to flush out uric acid and excess crystals that can cause many problems including gout, arthritis and kidney stones.

Dandelion root – Dandelion is both an herb and a valuable culinary plant, a natural biostimulator. Dandelion root is widely used to treat kidney and liver disorders, but can also be used for jaundice, anemia and acne, as well as soothing urinary tract irritation.

Garlic – Garlic is usually used to increase overall immune health and for its antioxidant properties. However, recent evidence has suggested that garlic could be used to promote overall kidney health due to its diuretic properties. It is believed that garlic has the potential to protect the kidneys from heavy metals, and other environmental poisons.



Oil capsule for hair with vitamin E lie on wooden spoon


Vitamin D is one of the main nutrients that support human health.

Researches have shown that vitamin D deficiency is closely linked to common chronic diseases, such as bone metabolic disorders, tumors, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neuropsychiatric disorders and autoimmune diseases.
In healthy people, the active form of vitamin D is produced by the kidneys, but in renal failure, the production of active vitamin D is reduced, which can lead to low levels of calcium and high levels of parathyroid hormone in the blood. Even in the early stages of chronic kidney disease the level of active vitamin D. is reduced. Its deficiency affects a number of processes in the human body and causes a significant number of pathological conditions. Vitamin D should be given according to serum calcium, phosphorus and parathyroid hormone levels. Due to improper metabolism and losses caused by dialysis, supplements of aqueous solutions of vitamins are recommended. In patients with chronic kidney disease, especially in advanced stages, vitamin D medications (vitamin D3 and vitamin D2) are not recommended, because the reduced kidney tissue may not be able to process them in sufficient quantity as it is supposed to be.
On the other hand, the correct dosage of vitamin D helps to treat a number of diseases and improve overall health. It protects against cardiovascular disease, successfully fights depression, has antiviral function, suppresses the development of autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, and helps destroy cancer cells in the body.



Some of the main causes of CKD in adults are diabetes and high blood pressure, which are not the main reasons for developing the disease in children. However, there is a tendency to increase the number of children suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure, mainly due to the problem of obesity. In addition to those already listed, being overweight significantly increases the risk of developing other serious health problems, one of which is CKD.

Chronic renal failure is defined as a clinical and laboratory syndrome that results from the irreversible loss of basic renal function.

The main reasons for the development of CKD in children are:

Congenital anomalies of the urinary system, most often up to 5 years of age
Acquired glomerulopathies – Conditions that damage the filtering units of the kidneys (glomeruli)
Urinary tract problems that block the normal flow of urine
Inherited diseases such as polycystic kidney disease (PKD)

Common symptoms of CKD in children:

Swelling around the eyes, feet and ankles
Frequent headache caused by high blood pressure
Frequent urination
Growth retardation

Loss of appetite and chronic nausea
Anemia and pale skin



The the most accurate method for confirming pregnancy for women with confirmed renal failure is ultrasound, because of the fact that β-hCG levels can increase during this period, which in turn can lead to false positive results from pregnancy tests. The incidence of pregnancy in women on dialysis is extremely low, but the rate of successful pregnancies in this context has increased over the years

Going on dialysis before getting pregnant results in a higher live birth rate and a lower likelihood of preterm birth than conception after initiation of dialysis. Cohort data show that dialysis intensity influences outcomes for more successful births, longer gestational age and higher birth weight of the newborn. During pregnancy, women on dialysis should be monitored for low levels of potassium, phosphate and folate, as well as for high glucose, especially for patients going on peritoneal dialysis. It is also important to be monitored for anemia, to maintain a healthy diet and observe the magnesium levels. A strategy in the study of the importan of dialysis during pregnancy is the evaluation of recorded data to determine the impact of early or late initiation of dialysis in pregnancy and to observe the results focused on live birth, pregnancy survival, gestational age and weight of the newborn.

Therefore, all pregnant women on dialysis are facing a number of extremely stressful challenges. The difficulty in conceiving, maintaining a healthy pregnancy and the following care of a baby by a person struggling on his own to survive, requires enormous support from family and the loved ones.


Dear all,

We would like to inform you that Dr. Nikolay Todorov (Medical Manager and Chief Nephrologist at NephroLife Medical Center) will have regular consultations twice a month here on site at our clinic in Burgas. He will dedicate two days every second week to meet with everyone who wishes to do so.

Those wishing to consult with Dr. Todorov need to call +35956555599 or +359 879 084 777, where they will receive information about the exact dates of the visits and the time of consultations.

We at NephroLife Clinic have always been socially engaged and it is important for us to enable more people from Burgas and the region to have the opportunity to consult with a highly qualified nephrologist, such as Dr. Todorov.
Dr. Nikolay Todorov graduated Medical School in Sofia in 1977. He is a leading specialist in the country in the field of catheterizations for hemodialysis – temporary and permanent tunneled catheters (over 800). There are numerous publications in the field of vascular access in hemodialysis patients and reports at scientific conferences. He is a member of the Bulgarian Medical Association, the Scientific Society of Nephrology, the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplantation Association (ERA-EDTA) and the Vascular Access Society (VAS).


Бъбречната поликистоза


Polycystic kidney disease in adults is an inherited disease that is characterized by the formation and growth of multiple cysts in both kidneys and leads to the development of chronic renal failure. There are areas between the cysts with preserved renal tissue although the mechanism of disease development is still unclear. It is assumed that even in embryonic development, many of the glomerular tubules are formed defectively, the accumulated primary urine dilates them and cysts appear. The genetic frequency relative to the general population is 1 per 1000. It is assumed that various DNA mutations are the basis for the formation of polycystic kidney disease.
There are several types of the disease according to the specific gene defect. However, the most common is autosomal dominant renal polycystosis. It is one of the most common inherited kidney injuries, with approximately 10% of all patients reaching chronohemodialysis as a result.


The disease is initially asymptomatic. The symptoms begin to appear most often in the 30s and 40s of the patient’s life. The most common symptoms are:
• Pain and heaviness in the lumbar region;
• Presence of blood in the urine (haematuria);
• Kidney formation, which in some cases can reach significant sizes;
• Hypertension;
• Frequent and nocturnal urination
• In more severe conditions, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, dizziness may occur