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Some of the main causes of CKD in adults are diabetes and high blood pressure, which are not the main reasons for developing the disease in children. However, there is a tendency to increase the number of children suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure, mainly due to the problem of obesity. In addition to those already listed, being overweight significantly increases the risk of developing other serious health problems, one of which is CKD.

Chronic renal failure is defined as a clinical and laboratory syndrome that results from the irreversible loss of basic renal function.

The main reasons for the development of CKD in children are:

Congenital anomalies of the urinary system, most often up to 5 years of age
Acquired glomerulopathies – Conditions that damage the filtering units of the kidneys (glomeruli)
Urinary tract problems that block the normal flow of urine
Inherited diseases such as polycystic kidney disease (PKD)

Common symptoms of CKD in children:

Swelling around the eyes, feet and ankles
Frequent headache caused by high blood pressure
Frequent urination
Growth retardation

Loss of appetite and chronic nausea
Anemia and pale skin