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We have already paid attention to fruits and vegetables in the summer, suitable for people with kidney disease, so with the onset of September, it is the right time to discuss the autumn ones as well.

Undoubtedly, fruits and vegetables are always a healthy choice, as the best option is to consume seasonal products. For dialysis patients it is important to be cautious with the potassium content in the nutrition plan if a diet restricting this mineral is followed. Potassium is found in almost all kind of foods. Our body needs small amounts of it to make muscles work, but its increased values ​​can cause weakness, muscle cramps and irregular heartbeat.

Balance is the key to a diverse nutrition plan. Consuming a great amount of any food can be dangerous, but the careful selection of the appropriate products can give us the necessary freedom for a varied diet.

According to studies, the most suitable autumn fruits and vegetables are:
Apples, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, celery, eggplant, green beans, lettuce, leeks, onions, pears, radishes, peppers, raw spinach, turnips.
In the list of vegetables that are good for patients with CKD is cabbage. It is a great source of vitamin B, vitamin C, magnesium and protein, all well known for their anti-inflammatory properties. It also reduces the swelling commonly found in dialysis patients. Cabbage can be served raw in salads, cooked in soups and stews, boiled or as a side dish.
Cauliflower can provide patients with CKD with vitamin C, folic acid and fiber. It is a vegetable with a lower potassium content and can be consumed often by people with kidney problems.

All fruits contain small amounts of potassium. It is good to limit the consumption of oranges and bananas but to increase that of apples.
Apples provide a variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese. They are a great source of fiber, low in calories and suitable for regulating weight and blood sugar.
A good nutrition plan makes us feel better and keeps us healthy. A well-balanced diet with the right amounts of protein, calories, vitamins and minerals is vital for leading a healthy and fulfilling life.



Creatinine is a natural waste product that is formed in the processes of muscle metabolism. Creatinine is derived from creatine, which plays an important role in producing the energy needed for muscles.
Every day, 2% of creatine (an amino acid) in the body is converted to creatinine. The kidneys remove it from the body, as a result of which it is presented in the blood and urine.
Creatinine can build up in the blood if a person has a kidney problem, but it can also due to high protein intake, intense exercise or the usage of certain medications or supplements.
Monitoring of creatinine levels is often used as a guide for kidney function. High levels of creatinine in the blood or urine could mean that the kidneys are not filtering the blood effectively or for a serious health problem, such as chronic kidney disease.

Causes of high creatinine levels

A routine blood test can measure creatinine levels, as factors that might affect its levels are:

• certain medicines, including some antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory creatine supplements
• dietary factors, such as high protein intake
• intensive exercises
• impaired renal function
• low blood flow
• dehydration

Other factors such as shock, different infections and diseases(for example cancer)can also cause elevated creatinine levels due to kidney damage.

High levels of creatinine in the body might be a sign that the kidneys are not working properly. Glomerulus – the part of the kidneys that filters waste products – does not function properly, may cause high levels of creatinine in the blood but low in the urine. This indicates that the kidneys are not functioning optimally.

Diseases that can affect kidney function and increase creatinine levels include:

• diabetes
• tumors
• some infections, such as hepatitis B and C, HIV and syphilis
• systemic lupus erythematosus, called SLE

Blood and urine tests are done to assess the current function of the kidneys. Тo check if an existing disease is progressing, and to monitor kidney function in people who are taking strong medications.



Keeping our kidneys healthy and functioning properly is essential for detoxification and the removal of waste products from our body. Unfortunately, there are some food products that can damage our kidneys and prevent them from functioning at optimal levels. We have already paid attention to the fruits, vegetables and food products appropriate for our kidney diet, so it is time to list some of those which are desirable to avoid.

We definitely give the first place to SALT.
Sodium overload leads to high blood pressure, which increases the pressure on your kidneys. The large amount of sodium chloride makes the kidneys to retain water in order to dilute the salt accumulated in the blood, which in turn impairs and burdens their function.


According to studies conducted at the Mayo Clinic, a high-protein diet can cause or exacerbate existing kidney problems, as protein metabolism puts a heavy strain on the kidneys, making it difficult to eliminate waste products.
Consumption of dairy products increases the excretion of calcium in the urine, which is associated with a higher risk of developing kidney stones. Studies show that reducing dairy products can have a beneficial effect on people with kidney failure and kidney disease, making it easier to filter their blood when going on dialysis.


Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause increased blood flow and high blood pressure. Excessive caffeine intake is also associated with kidney stones. It also has a diuretic effect that reduces the ability of the kidneys to absorb water. In addition to caffeine, energy and carbonated beverages have a negative effect on kidney function.

GMO products

A large percentage of the processed foods we consume contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Although there is no solid evidence for the effects of GMO foods on the human body, animal experiments have shown serious adverse health effects, which include changes in major organs such as the kidneys.