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   +359 56 55 55 88
БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ ТЕЛ.: 0800 11 881


Dear all,

We would like to inform you that Dr. Nikolay Todorov (Medical Manager and Chief Nephrologist at NephroLife Medical Center) will have regular consultations twice a month here on site at our clinic in Burgas. He will dedicate two days every second week to meet with everyone who wishes to do so.

Those wishing to consult with Dr. Todorov need to call +35956555599 or +359 879 084 777, where they will receive information about the exact dates of the visits and the time of consultations.

We at NephroLife Clinic have always been socially engaged and it is important for us to enable more people from Burgas and the region to have the opportunity to consult with a highly qualified nephrologist, such as Dr. Todorov.
Dr. Nikolay Todorov graduated Medical School in Sofia in 1977. He is a leading specialist in the country in the field of catheterizations for hemodialysis – temporary and permanent tunneled catheters (over 800). There are numerous publications in the field of vascular access in hemodialysis patients and reports at scientific conferences. He is a member of the Bulgarian Medical Association, the Scientific Society of Nephrology, the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplantation Association (ERA-EDTA) and the Vascular Access Society (VAS).